Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Firefox add-ons for those who study/research online

Welcome to wonderful world of Firefox Add-ons(If you dont use Firefox as your browser, think again, because you are missing a world of goodies that firefox offers). This is the first in the series of Add-ons i am posting, which i think drastically reduce time wasted in doing routine things.These add-ons i am going to post are especially useful to students who study/research online. Its going to be a great help to medical students/doctors who have to manage a flood of information each day.

Perma tabs- While browsing, you may have noticed that we use a few sites pretty regularly, sometimes its in a tab always.

Perma tabs helps in making these fave tabs permanent.

It lets you choose a color of your choice for these fave tabs.

They dont have a close button, so no fear of accidentally closing them.

The fave tabs are opened always at startup.

They will open even after browser crashes/power failure.

Another cool feature is u can force all links in the fave tab-web page to open in a new tab, when you click on them.You have the freedom to enable/disable this feature.Take a look at the screenshot below.

Heres what you have to do-

In Firefox- Go to

It will ask you to allow adding the experimental add-on. Check the box. Click on the 'Add to firefox' button.

After the add-on is installed, restart the browser.

After this right click on any tab, in the context menu, there will be option to make the tab permanent.

Hope You like this..

Heres how your tabs will look like..I have made the Wikipedia and emedicine tabs permanent, because i use them regularly.

Posted via web from Inquisitives' posterous

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